the americans here and i celebrated the holiday by going shopping and eating too much. there was talk about missing sweet potatoes, turkey and corn but we di enough damage that we didn't need all that. anyhow, i am thankful for all of you and also for indian randomness and the people i've met here. first a picture and then i'll share about one of those peoples...

apparently there is an indian out there who thinks Jesus is a hunk. I'm not about to argue but i would never have said it out loud.
let me tell you about Ben...
Ben is twenty two years old, from So.Africa. He has a beard and gentle voice. I'd worked with him at Daya Dan and found he'd studied economics and had two sisters, one my age and the other twelve. on his last day in Kolkata (he left tuesday), i ran into him and Gabriel at the spanish restaurant waiting for their lunch and nutella's. they invited me to join them so i did. from our conversation i found that Ben like to read, lewis chesterton and macdonald to name a few. he's been studying catholosism and is considering a conversion to it. terrace parties will always bring his face to my mind. he never played a full song for us, on the guitar, but i'll think of him as a musician even if its just by association. Ben has one of those faces, the kind that you see and you think to yourself, "this kid loves Jesus" i miss him, i don't like that i only had two walks with him, one lunch and one terrace party with him. i love that he met me in front of the hotel and talked with me about God and his thoughts, that he invited me along for adoration, that he showed me where the prayer books were kept and that i could see love radiatiating from him. i love that it felt like i'd known him for so much longer than just four short days, that i found it so easy to trust him, that he happened to have a set of speakers in his backpack, that he insited we share the nutty bar because it was the "last supper" i'd like him to move to Denver and be my friend for years. i want to see him get married and have babies and have his cute little family over for dinner on a weeknight just because. i'd share him with you all too cause he's that cool.
i love and miss you all. have a wonderful holiday and give someone a hug from me.
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