This is Sophie, she's from DC and moving to C.Springs next fall. we are in this shot enjoying a brownie at the Oxford Bookstore, one of my quiet places here. i know it doesn't look like i'm enjoying it but believe me, thats the best brownie in Kolkata. though that really isn't saying much. they just don't know how to do chocolate here.
These my kids! oh how i'm going to miss them. this was one of the first performances of their Christmas program. i'm constantly amazed at how much they've learned and how well they do each time. i heart them. and if i could have a favorite it would be Binoy, the little drummer. the kid's got rhythm!
i apologize if you feel cheated for only getting two photos. i blame this internet cafe, which shall remain unnamed, for their ridiculous hiccups in connection speed. that is all.
ciao my loves!
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