i'm not sure what to say
i had this great post composed in my mind
but the last few hours threw me for a loop
i love it here
but i wish i had the comfort of being with people i know
people who get my jokes
people who don't have to convince me they are trustworthy
no mistake, i wouldn't trade this
its one of the most difficult things i've done though
i met a girl on the shuttle in Kolkata, found out she speaks spanish and had a plan so i joined her. glad i did. i would be completely lost otherwise. we found others from spain near our hotel. Kolkuta seems to be full of Spaniards. they are wonderful (insert happy face). We spent the early morning at Mother House, the homebase here for Missionaries of Charity, and got a day pass to Daya Dan. i'll be spending my time up to the first of December volunteering there. i also met a kid from Parker. i was very glad to know i have a fellow Coloradan here if i need one.
i know i keep saying it, but i feel so inadequate
the greater part of me wonders how i'll survive the next few weeks, the smaller part knows that He will remain faithful. i still wonder though. when i see these people i almost don't want to know i'm going to be fine, because i know they aren't going to be. sounds terrible, i know, but its the way i feel.
my apologies for the randomness of this post (i am certain Bethany will have a great time finding all of my grammatical errors) i am still exhausted and completely overwhelmed.
i think of you all often
and have even see some of your twins :)